Thursday, 2 August 2018

Compared with animals, plants generally possess a high degree of developmental plasticity and display various types of tissue or organ regeneration. This regenerative capacity can be enhanced by exogenously supplied plant hormones in vitro, wherein the balance between auxin and cytokinin determines the developmental fate of regenerating organs...

Session4... hashtagMicropropagation_Method_in_Plants... hashtagPlant_Science_2018... "World Congress on Plant Science and Molecular Biology" hashtagSingapore... hashtagSeptember 12-13, 2018... To know more PS:

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Want to identify all the 20,000-25,000 genes in human DNA, and to determine the sequences of the 3 billion chemical base pairs that make up the human genome. First broke the genome into pieces of approximately 150,000 base pairs in length. These pieces were then lined up into bacterial artificial chromosomes, which come from genetically engineered bacterial chromosomes. The pieces were then copied by the bacterial DNA replication machine, where they were separately sequenced as a minuscule shotgun project. Afterward, they were assembled.

HUMAN_GENOME_PROJECT... hashtagPrinciples_of_Molecular_Biology... "World Congress on Plant Science and Molecular Biology"...
September 12-13, 2018... Singapore.

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Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Why are the leaves of some plants not green in colour?
Colorful leaves we get to see because of different types of pigments present in the leaves. There are basically three primary pigments. High concentration of Chlorophyll in leaves gives it the green color, Carotenoids gives yellow or yellow-orange and Anthocyanins gives red or purple color to leaves.  Leaves of other colors also contain chlorophyll are hidden under the non-green pigments so they can prepare their foods.


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Monday, 30 July 2018

Over thousands of years, traditional ways of using plants have developed globally. Even after the emergence of modern medicine, plants remain the most important source of medicinal help. In fact, plants have been human mankind’s original medicines. Plant medicine, also known as phytotherapy, is a treatment of illness using specific doses of special plants.

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Friday, 27 July 2018

A small spring-flowering deciduous tree. It secretes a sweet sap known as manna in July and August which was harvested by the ancients. Manna was believed to be closely related to honey (the word for both was meli in Greek). The tree was said to have been first sprung from the blood of heaven, and its manna was often described as the sky-fallen juice of the stars. The stem of the young ash was in the crafting spear-shafts.

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Thursday, 26 July 2018

Viability in Plants

How Do Coniferous Plants Reproduce?
Coniferous plants are usually evergreen, and many have needles instead of leaves. Most important, coniferous plants reproduce by growing seeds inside of cones. These cones ripen over the course of weeks, and the seeds are then dispersed either by being dropped, eaten or carried away by forest wildlife. This is something that only a coniferous plant can do.

Emerging Plant Science Technologies at Plant Science 2018...
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Tuesday, 24 July 2018

The human gut contains trillions of microbial inhabitants, making it one of the most densely populated environments on the planet. The symbiosis between these organisms and the human host is extremely complex, and we are only beginning to understand the impact of the gut microbiota on human biology. Knowledge of the chemical reactions performed and compounds produced by gut microbes will provide new insights into their roles in influencing human health.